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Press Release-

Body Area Network

Implants can be used for torture and killing TI's

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New Wireless Medical Healthcare Operated by Cell Phone Includes A Multitude of Implants


News Release

Date:  November 1, 2018

Citizens Against Harmful Technology


The new medical healthcare is called a Wireless Body Area Network (“WBAN”), a system of multiple implantable electronic sensors which relay the electronic signals of the body, including brainwaves, to remote computers.[1] Everything living emits frequencies.[2] The WBAN is a two-way radio system which can send radio frequencies to an implant system to ask it (called a “query”) to send back the recorded biological activity it is monitoring.[3] Implants can transmit continuously or “wake up” when queried. This system uses cell phones,[4] towers, drones, planes, satellites and transmitters embedded in the environment (buildings, vehicles and furniture).[5] This allows a person’s electrical signals from their brain and body[6] to be sent to a remote computer which can interpret what a person is thinking, seeing, hearing and feeling, and can monitor the functions of their heart, lungs, liver, kidneys and other organs and chemistry.[7] The human brain and body have been hacked! The two-way system can also send frequencies to (1) stimulate nerves, muscles and body organs to cause pain, vibrate, heat up or die and (2) perform torture as if a person was being suffocated, choked, cramped, burned and electronically raped or (3) cause heart attacks and strokes. It can be used for health monitoring[8] or depending on intentions of the user - torture and death.


How is the system operated?  The 2G/3G/4G cellphone network can monitor one person at a time, but 5G will monitor 1,000 people at a time.[9] 5G will operate this system of implants in the ubiquitous Internet of Things (“IoT”).[10] People will be just “Things” in the IoT. Persons now being called Targeted Individuals are already implanted with the WBAN and are being tortured and killed. It is being used to “punish” people. Instead of being used as a medical tool for helping the aged and sick, the WBAN is being used to track, torture, burn, vibrate and destroy innocent citizens. Their bodies are literally being disassembled with microwaves. Victims are being controlled with multiple facets of this technology.[11]


Targeted Individuals.  Radios in the brain are being used to talk to people so only they can hear the voices (“V2K”). [12]  Stalkers who follow the Targeted Individual operate the implants to cause pain. Most stalkers belong to Infragard (stalkers working for businesses) or Volunteer Organizations, and coordinate attacks through the local first responders. Emotions including moods, thoughts and dreams can be artificially induced. Sensors can relay whether you are using the bathroom or having sex. Implants can cause uncontrollable elimination. Implants can perform electronic rape, or unwanted sexual stimulation. Neurostimulators can cause pain all day long. Thoughts can be put in your mind. One person’s brain frequencies can be analyzed, interpreted and sent to someone else’s brain to create unwanted experiences and dreams. One person’s implants can communicate with another person’s implants. Thoughts can be controlled on a continual basis.  Whole communities can be controlled with frequencies.[13] 


Who is Operating This? Many agencies are involved. The Department of Justice is at the top and uses the FusionCenters to coordinate an offensive assault on targeted citizens.[14] US Special Operations Command has a program called “Continuous Clandestine Tagging, Tracking and Locating” (“CTTL”).[15] They are using new technologies to silently enter the homes of people while they are asleep or to put people to sleep with frequencies. The number of implants is endless.  The implantation and injections continue from time to time to terrorize the victim. Perpetrators do this silently and unseen. This is what is so alarming.  The whole human race could be under this electronic surveillance and control before they know it. The medical community is in full cooperation and are injecting victims when they get blood tests or other medical procedures just like Nazi collaborators did. What kind of people would do this? People who would do anything for money.


We need your help.  We need the voice of those who have a voice in this world. TI’s have no voice. TI’s are deliberately infected using entomological warfare (insects, worms and spiders) and authorities say they have “delusional parasitosis.”[16] TI’s report the surveillance and harassment and authorities say they have “delusional persecutory complex.”[17] TI’s report being tortured and suffering from microwave radiation, and authorities say they are “delusional and mentally ill”. Emergency Hospitalization for Evaluation[18] acts are being misused in every state to illegally arrest, drug and implant people who are not mentally ill. Then they use the same “mentally ill” for human experimentation, using laws enacted specifically for this purpose declaring this legal.[19]  Important:  The system of denial is integral to the system of oppression. It is a pre-planned negative response to the victim’s cry for help, recognition and treatment.  Their pleas for help are denied. They are helpless to protect themselves against an enemy they cannot identify. It is an unfair war with the whole nation against one individual. The nation has every offensive weapon invented and the individual does not have this technology.


The War on Terror is a war on the populations of the earth - terrorizing actors, school teachers, artists, writers, scientists, attorneys, natural healers, athletes  – anyone selected for elimination, including innocent people sleeping in their beds, who are being burned alive with laser attacks in the California fires.[20] Their deaths are made to look like they resulted from other things. Some are being forced to commit suicide.[21] Some are being hung in their closets.[22] Some are being radiated to death with directed energy weapons.[23] Please go to to learn more and donate to this cause in any way you can.[24] Thank you.


Attachments: (Download at left)

1. Directed Energy Injuries to Targeted Individuals - Cruel and Sadistic Torture

2. Stop Implantation of Wireless Body Sensor Networks

3. What Number of "Thing" Are You In The Internet of Things?

4. Change.Org Petition to the President of the United States - Stop Electronic Harassment and Gangstalking

5. Gangstalking Harassment Methods by Dr. Rauni-Leena Kilde

6. Straussian Philosophy of the Post 9-11 Politics by Jan Allen



1.  Gonzalez, Enrique, et. “Survey of WBSNs for Pre-Hospital Assistance:  Trends to Maximize the Network Lifetime and Video Transmission Techniques.” Sensors (Basel). 2015 May 22;15(5):11993-2021. doi: 10.3390/s150511993.
2.  J. Lipkova, J. Cechak. “Human electromagnetic emission in the ELF Band.” Measurement Science Review, volume 5, Section 2, 2005.
3.  Zhang, Yuan, Y. Zhang, L. Sun, H. Song and X. Cao, "Ubiquitous WSN for Healthcare: Recent Advances and Future Prospects," in IEEE Internet of Things Journal, vol. 1, no. 4, pp. 311-318, Aug. 2014. doi: 10.1109/JIOT.2014.2329462

4.  P. Crilly and V. Muthukkumarasamy, "Using smart phones and body sensors to deliver pervasive mobile personal healthcare," 2010 Sixth International Conference on Intelligent Sensors, Sensor Networks and Information Processing, Brisbane, QLD, 2010, pp. 291-296. doi: 10.1109/ISSNIP.2010.5706767.
5.  Alarifi, Abdulrahman, et. “Ultra Wideband Indoor Positioning Technologies:  Analysis and Recent Advances.” Sensors (Basel). 2016 May 16;16(5). pii: E707. doi: 10.3390/s16050707.

6. Wang YT1, Wang Y, Jung TP. “A cell-phone-based brain-computer interface for communication in daily life.” J Neural Eng. 2011 Apr;8(2):025018. doi: 10.1088/1741-2560/8/2/025018. Epub 2011 Mar 24.
7.  Liao, Yangzhe, et. “A Communication Link Analysis Based on Biological Implant Wireless Boy Area Networks.” Applied Computational Electromagnetics Society Journal 31(6):619-628 · June 2016.
8.  Ullah, Niamat, et. “A Very Low Power MAC (VLPM) Protocol for Wireless Body Area Networks.” Sensors (Basel). 2011;11(4):3717-37. doi:  10.3390/s110403717. Epub 2011 Mar 25.

9.  R. W. Jones and K. Katzis, "5G and wireless body area networks," 2018 IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference Workshops (WCNCW), Barcelona, 2018, pp. 373-378. doi: 10.1109/WCNCW.2018.8369035
10.  S. Chatterjee et al., "Internet of Things and Body area network-an integrated future," 2017 IEEE 8th Annual Ubiquitous Computing, Electronics and Mobile Communication Conference (UEMCON), New York, NY, 2017, pp. 396-400. doi: 10.1109/UEMCON.2017.8249094
12.  Kopta, Vladimir, et. “FM-UWB: Towards a Robust, Low-Power Radio for Body Area Networks.” Sensors (Basel). 2017 May; 17(5): 1043. 2017 May 6. doi:  10.3390/s17051043.
13.  Soleilmavis, Liu. “Mind Control with Electromagnetic Frequency.” June 6, 2016.
14.  Bureau of Justice Assistance, U.S. Department of Justice, Volunteer Programs.

15.   Richardson, Doug. “Continuous Clandestine Tagging, Tracking, and Locating (CTTL).” SOAL-T WSO. US Spec Ops Cmd, Sept 2007.

16.  Prakash, Jyoti, et. “Delusional parasitosis: Worms of the mind.” Ind Psychiatry J. 2012 Jan-Jun; 21(1): 72–74. doi:  10.4103/0972-6748.110958.

17.  Daniel Freeman and Philippa Garety. “Advances in understanding and treating persecutory delusions: a review.” Soc Psychiatry Psychiatr Epidemiol. 2014; 49(8): 1179–1189. DOI:  10.1007/s00127-014-0928-7


19.  Stobee, Mike. “Ugly Past of US Human Experiments Uncovered.” Associated Press, updated 2/27/11. 20.  Elliot, Kal. “WiliLeaks Reveal Victims of ‘Directed Energy and Neurological Weapons.” June 26, 2017.

21. Beauman, Ned. “Ruins of People’s Lives, the shadowy culture of gangstalking.” The New Statesman, May 2013.

23.  “Rauni Kilde, M.D. Murdered by N.S.A. For Trying to Warn Us All About The Transhumanist Mind Control Agenda,”
24.  Citizens Against Harmful Technology. “Handbook:  Are You a Targeted Individual?  Military Directed Energy (Microwave, Acoustic and Lasers), Psychological, Chemical, Biological and Weather Weapons Are Being Used to Attack Citizens.” 2017 Edition

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