for TI's

International Edition, 2015
"This book is a must to understand the years of research conducted by Dr Rauni Kilde, always alongside the victims, and about how the modern world is secretly run by unknown forces, terrorizing the population, as if it was their puppet, by mass media manipulations, but also by the mind control, using secret military weapons, made of directed energy, from bases to the ground like HAARP, and also satellites, using beams of electromagnetic waves, and masers, and targeting innocent civilians, who are called targeted Individuals or TI, and that through electronic tortures and harassments done by gang stalkings." - by TI from France "nobody will help us , no police, no doctours, no governments- only our energy and knowledge about this technology will do it"-last words of late Rauni Kilde MD

Implantable Bioelectronics
Evgeny Katz (Editor), ISBN: 978-3-527-33525-1, 472 pages
May 2014
Here the renowned editor Evgeny Katz has chosen contributions that cover a wide range of examples and issues in implantable bioelectronics. The various implants covered include biosensoric and prosthetic devices, as well as neural and brain implants, while ethical issues, suitable materials, biocompatibility, and energy-harvesting devices are also discussed.
A must-have for both newcomers and established researchers in this interdisciplinary field that connects scientists from chemistry, material science, biology, medicine, and electrical engineering.
Handbook of Biomedical Telemetry
Describes the main components of a typical biomedical telemetry system, along with the technical challenges
Discusses issues of spectrum regulations, standards, and interoperability―while major technical challenges related to advanced materials, miniaturization, and biocompatibility issues are also included
Covers body area electromagnetics, inductive coupling, antennas for biomedical telemetry, intra-body communications, non-RF communication links for biomedical telemetry (optical biotelemetry), as well as safety issues, human phantoms, and exposure assessment to high-frequency biotelemetry fields
Energy Autonomous Micro and Nano Systems
Providing a detailed overview of the fundamentals and latest developments in the field of energy autonomous microsystems, this book delivers an in-depth study of the applications in the fields
of health and usage monitoring in aeronautics, medical implants, and home automation, drawing out the main specifications on such systems. Introductory information on photovoltaic, thermal and mechanical energy harvesting, and conversion, is given, along with the latest results in these fields. This book also provides a state of the art of ultra-low power sensor interfaces, digital signal processing and wireless communications. In addition, energy optimizations at the sensor node and sensors network levels are discussed, thus completing this overview.