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What is Electronic Harassment?

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 What is Electronic Harassment?


Electronic Harassment is a New World Order torture method being used by governments to control and torture people. People are being struck with beams of energy which cause pain equal to kinetic weapon, guns and knives. Targets are struck by devices like magnetrons, lasers, hand-held microwave weapons, sound weapons and others as well, by satellites, drones, embedded transmitters in infrastructure in buildings, by mobile devices in vehicles and by hand-held devices.

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A TI took this photograph with a forward looking camera in her ipad tablet. The cameras in iphones, tablets and androids are infrared so when you are getting struck with microwave, take pictures of yourself.

This Targeted Individual was hit with a Directed Energy Weapon. She is smiling because she didn't know what it was and thought it was kind of cool to have a halo made of light. But then she noticed she had been burned. She took multiple pictures of her injuries. The burn got much bigger than this, it covered her whole back. 

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This TI was also attacked with a biological weapon. She was infected with something that created the small bumps on her back. A stalker was paid to enter her home and contaminate her personal belongings and her entire house with the carrier substance which may have been some sort of gel which contained the bacteria or animals, usually infectious arthropods like insects or worms which cause Morgellons. This substance was smeared all over her house and personal belongings. She lives in the United States of Corrupted America and so do we. This is happening to hundreds of thousands of people and they are being ignored. Their stories go untold.

These are pictures the victim  took outside her home. These rays are not sun beams.

    Electronic Harassment is a New World Order torture method being used by governments to control and torture people. People are being struck with beams of energy which cause pain equal to kinetic weapon, guns and knives. Targets are struck with energy beams from magnetrons, lasers, hand-held microwave weapons, sound devices and others by using cell towers, satellites, drones, embedded transmitters in infrastructure in buildings (the smart grid), by mobile devices in vehicles and by hand-held devices.


    Directed Energy Weapons are capable of directing energy upon a human body to inflict pain and destruction.using a beam or field of energy or a system of medical implants that are remotely controlled by stimulating them to emit frequencies that cause heat, pain and vibration of biological structures. The system is called a Body Sensor Network or Body Area Network. It is connected to the Wifi/Bluetooth internet network. It is illustrated in the picture below.  As you can see, the system includes satellites and game playing software. This is the world's first electronic torture implant system. It has the power to take over an entire human from head to toe. It can control the brain and make electronic slaves of humans.

     Tortured Targeted Individuals are being used as medical experiments as the first victims of this remote torture program carried out by the department of justice, fusion centers, police, firemen, first responders, veterans of these agencies, business owners (Infragard) and the ordinary citizen stalkers (COPS, Citizens Assisting Police) these agencies employ and train.  Recently launched Wifi beaming satellites will help complete the electronic lock-down on human bodies when connected to the GPS/Internet/5G network.    

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​Watchlist (Disposition Matrix).  Targeted Individuals are secretly proclaimed TERRORISTS and put on a  watch list to be silently and quietly killed. They have hidden this program from the general public. Expertly trained stalkers enter locked and secured personal homes and cars. People who believe in justice for human beings would never consent to this.  Even criminals get a trial. TI's just get attacked out of the blue. Their whole lives, communication, homes, vehicles, employment, personal property -- EVERYTHING IS DESTROYED. 

     Targeted Individuals receive a brain radio implant (tuned in left ear). This brain radio is continuously communicating and is connected to an AI computer. Brain recordings are continually transmitting to the computer.

     Targeted Individuals receive a system of implants in their head that includes an implant on the cochlear nerve where signals go directly to the brain and bypass the ears. The system includes an implant in the eyes that communicate what they see to the computer. The system has implants in the sinuses, bones of the face, the jaws and the throat. The victim can be made to hear things other's cannot. They also make sounds which they do not make themselves, the sounds come from the throat implant. There is also technology that goes around the throat that could enable you to be strangled at will. They receive implants in literally every part of their bodies, from head to toe so they can be manipulated with signals to their senses, nerves, muscles which take over the movements and use of their bodies.  Is this what they refer to as Total Human Surveillance.?

    Implantation creates a slave who is tortured to death. First their bodies are sliced and diced, rather like being drawn and quartered over and over. The implants are stimulated remotely, using relays of electronic signals through transmitters hidden in structures and objects in the home, car and city infrastructure. A beam of energy turns on the implant. It either heats up your flesh, vibrates, itches, tickles or burns you. Some implants dispense drugs. Implants near joints heat up connective tissue and destroy the joint. Implants destroy the cartilage that gives the ear shape and strength. Implants attached to nerves wear out the nerve to destroy it. Continuous heating creates tumors.

     The "gateway" communicates with the implants and contains all your private information. People on the watchlist are put on this covert secret medical implant program. Your RFID chip can be read by anyone. Your local police and fire department participate in coordinating strikes. THIS IS NOT HEALTHCARE. THIS IS ILLEGAL MEDICAL SURVEILLANCE. The government program calls it "Medical Security." It is not for the victim's benefit.  These people have been secretly implanted with an RFID chip that will be in their bodies until they die. They can be read even from the grave. Long term studies show implants always cause tumors and destroy delicate tissue (in the brain) so implants will cause medical complications.

     The "gateway" relays all the information on the computer through the internet. It is intended for the PUBLIC,  as shown in the  wording of HR 3962. It will be read by employers, doctors, bankers, realty personnel, people who have the power to keep you from living your life and everyone who gains access to the access numbers, i.e., every drug dealer and stalker.


5G will make this Implant technology possible for every human because it will  so pervasive, no one will be outside its reach. Your implants will be connected through your own phone and you will be surveiled continuously. Stalkers will connect you if you leave your home and the location system set up to keep you connected.


     The government is attacking its own people with directed energy, biological and chemical warfare and gangstalking. These are LETHAL weapons. In some cases, they are implanting people with electronic medical implants and in some cases, they are just outright killing people. The US has declared war on its own citizens and is silently and systematically trying to remove them from this planet. If everyone experienced the radiation burns in the picture above, they would get involved in getting this stopped. They are killing AT WILL as if they had guns and they have been given the order to shoot whoever they want to.

Towards Emerging 5G Technology

Anyone with a cell phone can control your body.  Your cell phone can control you without your even knowing it.

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TI's are already implanted.

The entire population is next.

The "immigrant crisis" is being used as an excuse.

HR 3962 was not passed in 2009 but the program had already been implemented by Justice Dept. 



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