Targeted Individuals are hereby recognized for their suffering, the loss of their constitutional rights, their privacy, families, property, jobs, freedom, justice and their lives.
TI's are systematically isolated from society.
They are maligned, slandered and bullied out of their jobs.
They are stalked by a community of stalkers continuously.
TI's are struck with microwave, sonic and light weapons that irritate, vibrate, heat and destroy their bodies.
They are targets of secretly implanted electronic devices controlled remotely by cell phones and computers.
TI's are electronically raped and sexually harassed.
They are targets of sexual and human trafficking.
TI's are used for secret human experiments,
university studies, medical trials and covert gene therapy.
They are denied routine medical care.
They are targets of psychiatric reprisals.
TI's are forcibly drugged and poisoned.
They are labeled psychotic, schizophrenic and delusional.
TI's are victims of the "War on Terror."
They are called terrorists. They are not.
TI's endure continuous torture until death
without reprisals on their stalkers and torturers.
TI's fight a fine fight.
They develop skills needed to endure
continuous harm to their minds and bodies.
This website is dedicated to all Targeted Individuals
We pray for you all to stay strong.
God Bless You All.