Notice of Crimes
Notice of Crimes Against Humanity Using Energy & Neuro/Bio Weapons Notice of Criminal Trespass Notice of Theft of Intellectual Property Notice of Impending Criminal Charges
Notice to One is Notice to All
Reissued: 28 October 2019
Originally posted: 28 August, 2017
“...(T)he prohibition of crimes against humanity, similar to the prohibition of genocide, has been considered a peremptory norm of international law, from which no derogation is permitted and which is applicable to all States.” --United Nations Office on Genocide Prevention and the Responsibility to Protect
By this Notice, dated the 28th of October, 2019, let it be known, to all individuals, groups, corporations, agencies, organizations, foundations, governments, militaries, and citizens worldwide and in every Nation State, that:
1)According to Article 7 of the 1998 Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court, which established the International Criminal Court, and constitutes the primary treaty and “latest consensus from the international community” on this matter, the full text of which may be found online at the United Nations Genocide Prevention web site and elsewhere, and is enclosed herein:
A.) The following crimes which are being committed today by individual, group, and corporate members and veterans of Militaries, Defense Departments, Defense/Security contractors, Air Force and Army Bases, Justice Departments, Intelligence/Security agencies, Intelligence/Security contractors, Law
Enforcement departments, Fusion Center organizations, Bureaus of Investigation, Citizen Watch and Neighborhood Watch groups, Community Oriented Policing programs, University “researchers,” and random citizens in neighborhoods, communities, and places of employment recruited to assist in programs to covertly target, surveil, stalk, “gang-stalk,” swarm, gaslight, vandalize, sabotage, and assault select civilians--
With electromagnetic radiation, pulsed microwaves, wifi, radio frequency (RF) signals sent to non-consensual RF implants, sonic pulses, and ionizing radiation using sonic weapons, neuroweapons, portable Directed-Energy Weapons, cell phones, apps on cell phones, and other means of transmitting carcinogenic radiation;
All in the guise of “surveillance programs,” “experimentation programs,” “neuroexperimentation programs,” “behavior modification programs,” “behavioral intervention programs,” “predictive policing programs,” “criminal justice programs,” “pre-crime programs,” “medical monitoring programs,” “public safety programs,” “social engineering programs,” “countering violent extremism” programs, and other means of hiding these deadly programs of sadistic and brutal assault under Secrecy, Classification for National Security, Biomedical and Behavioral Intervention, public safety, “legitimate” and “legal” military/Intelligence experimentation, and criminal justice covers;
And conducted as State-sponsored “legal” domestic counter-terrorism/counterproliferation/counter-Intelligence/suppression/pacification activities on whole swathes of civilian populations in towns, cities, states, and regions, with full “knowledge of the attack”
-- are Internationally understood to be Crimes Against Humanity, and include:
—in this case, Electronic Enslavement, by virtue of Continuous Clandestine
Tracking and Locating via Non-consensually implanted tracking Microchips, Bio-MEMs, Nanochips, or/and Brain Prints or Brain Bio-Resonance Frequencies,and GPS/GIS tracking satellites; Continuous “Electronic Surveillance” or Assault with Electromagnetic Radiation; Punitive Physical and Neural Assault with Electronic Weapons; Continuous Audio and Video Surveillance with planted bugs and recording and tracking devices in homes and vehicles (Article 7, (c));
Imprisonment or other severe deprivation of physical liberty in violation of fundamental rules of international law—in this case, Electronic Imprisonment, by virtue of severe encroachment and criminal trespass into homes and onto bodies and brains with the use of electromagnetic radiation/sonics, continually or periodically applied (Article 7, (e));
Torture –in this case, Electronic Torture, by virtue of assault, remote bodily access and manipulation, regular sleep-deprivation, injection of synthetic dreams, images, voices, sensations, remote electro-shocking, remote electrical vibrations, remote neuro-takeover, biohacking and bio-robotizing, all induced with electromagnetic weapons, sonic weapons, neuroweapons, bio-communications devices such as implants and transponders, BCI systems (Brain Computer Interface), and other weapons facilitating covert or clandestine assault (Article 7, f)
Rape, sexual slavery, enforced prostitution, forced pregnancy, enforced sterilization, or any other form of sexual violence of comparable gravity—in this case, Electronic Rape, Electronic Sex Trafficking, Electronic Sexual Slavery, Electronic Sexual Violence, and Electronic Enforced Sterilization, by virtue of sexual assault and violence aimed at the private reproductory and urogenital systems of women, young girls, men, and young boys, conducted remotely, at a distance, using radiation weapons, sonic weapons, and nonconsensually implanted microchips, neurostimulators, transponders, and Wireless Body Area Networks (Article 7, g).
Persecution...on other grounds universally recognized as impermissible under International Law—in this case, 1) Electronic Persecution, by virtue of continuous assault & torture with electromagnetic weapons, remote bodily manipulation, remote brain and bodily control, remote EEG cloning and heterodyning (imposing others' Brain Frequencies on one, permitting partial or full-body neuro-takeover), remote cerebral trauma, all induced with the weapons named above; 2) Psychological Persecution, by virtue of subjecting individuals to non-stop electromagnetic tracking and assault, non-stop physical stress creation, non-stop sensory stimulation, forced disruption of activities, non-stop sleepdeprivation, and non-stop COINTELPRO stalking, swarming, interrogation, vandalism, break-ins, gaslighting, employment sabotage, character ruination, social isolation, slander and defamation, public mockery and street theater (Article 7, h).
Enforced Disappearance of Persons—in this case, Sabotage and Ruination of individuals' Business, Reputation, and Character Assassination, by virtue of dissemination of lies, slander, libelous and defamatory statements about individuals within their own neighborhoods, work and life communities, areas and cities of residence and employment, often rendering individuals homeless, jobless, blacklisted, and unemployable (Article 7, i).
Other inhumane acts of a similar character intentionally causing great suffering, or serious injury to body or to mental or physical health—in this case, Remote Body and Brain Access, Manipulation, and Assault using the electronic weapons described above, and effecting l Bio/Neuro-Hacking and the Theft of Personal Intellectual Property (one's brainwaves—whether thought, emotion, sensation, memory, intention, cogitation, mentation, inner voice, or any other);
—which is essentially the neural takeover of a person's brain and manipulating a person's limbs, organs, joints, and entire body from outside;
Continuous Psychological, Mental, and Internal Torture via Voice to Skull and Synthetic Telepathy running abusive monologues inside individuals' brains, an intrinsic aspect of Trauma-Based Mind Control, and prelude to bio-robotizing;
Continuous Psychological and Social Trauma caused by non-stop assault of individuals with Psy Ops-defined inputs related to the individual's life, picked up by intensive surveillance, including neuro-surveillance;
and the very act of , which is the effecting of remote control of people's brains and bodily movements and behaviors by inflicting physical and psychological trauma on them (Article 7, k).
To repeat, these acts of extreme remote brain and body access, assault, and manipulation are internationally understood, as per Article 7 of the 1998 Rome Statute of the ICC—and understood by all seeking to investigate and prosecute those committing these crimes--to be Crimes Against Humanity.
These crimes are currently being investigated, and all those committing these crimes are being monitored. Departments, Defense/Security contractors, Air Force and Army Bases, Justice Departments, Intelligence/Security agencies, Intelligence/Security contractors, Law Enforcement departments, Fusion Center organizations, Bureaus of Investigation, Citizen Watch and Neighborhood Watch groups, Community Oriented Policing Programs, University “researchers,” and random citizens in neighborhoods, communities, and places of employment recruited to assist in the performance of these Crimes Against Humanity on the bodies of select individuals, presented deceptively by Nation State and military “authorities” of any kind as legitimate or lawful or legal targets of surveillance, monitoring, investigation, or experimentation are liable to being monitored by name, place of residence, place of employment, occupation, and association (to determine connection with Military/Intelligence/Law Enforcement/Neighborhood Watch/Community Oriented Policing Program if any.)
These crimes will be prosecuted in the International Criminal Court, in courts of Common Law, and in new, incorruptible People's Courts and Tribunals to be focused on addressing Crimes Against Humanity.
Every single person or entity participating in these crimes in the smallest way, issuing a wifi signal at a human being identified to them as a legitimate target or “test subject,”to direct deadly radiation on such an identified human being, via the Global Electronic Control Grid (using cell towers, satellites, drones, sensors, air, space, ground -based and mobile tracking, sensing, and transmitting platforms), or such as a Defense contractor/military branch/Air Force Base/Intelligence agency/Security agency/Law Enforcement agency/Investigation agency/Neighborhood Watch group/Community Oriented Policing Progam is liable to being monitored, and will be documented by name and photographic or video/audio record.
Participants in these crimes (deceptively termed “legal”) are hereby informed they are participating in actuality in the crimes of Non-consensual Rape, Sex Trafficking, Sexual Assault, Enslavement, Imprisonment, Torture, Sexual Slavery, Persecution, Enforced Disappearance, Bio-Hacking, BioCommunications, Neuro-Hacking, Psychological Trauma, Physical Trauma/Assault, and Criminal Bodily Trespass—all of which are Crimes Against Humanity, as described above.
Participants in these crimes are also hereby informed that Crimes Against Humanity they are recruited into performing, whether conducted and protected under cover of “National Security,” “in protection of the Homeland,” “legitimate military/criminal justice experimentation,” “research projects,” “sociobehavioral research,” “social engineering,” or “legitimate investigation,” are still, and primarily, Crimes Against Humanity, and will be prosecuted as such.
Participants in these Crimes Against Humanity—whether salaried employee of an organization as described above or paid/unpaid community volunteer--can both anticipate